Small Groups
Our philosophy is that small groups are to serve two purpose: i) Help people get connected and feel apart of the family. ii) Assist people in their faith journey no matter where they are.
This September we will be launching interest based small groups. Interest groups range from social to spiritual but always include community, prayer, and scripture. Check out what groups we have to offer this semester which will be running from late September through November.
Small Groups
Men's Breakfast
For those men who consider themselves early birds, we are getting together for breakfast at 6:30AM. Other than enjoying some breakfast, we will be taking some time to pray, read scripture, and connect. PAUSED FOR THE SUMMER
The Bible Recap
As a church we have been going through the Old Testament using The Bible Recap. Shelly will be leading this small group Thursdays at 7:00PM as they explore the Old Testament at Susan Bezler's. PAUSED FOR THE SUMMER
Worship + Word
For those under 25, Clancy and Joon are hosting a small group Monday evenings, where they will be spending time in worship and the Bible, primarily praying for the next generation. PAUSED FOR THE SUMMER
Women's Small Group
To help equip the woman in our church, Pastor Emily will be leading this small group about the Trinity. Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00PM at First. Child care is provided. PAUSED FOR THE SUMMER
How The Bible Actually Works
Come join Maureen Thursdays at 3:00PM as she teaches the basics of Hebrew and how understanding can bring fuller revelation of the scriptures. PAUSED FOR THE SUMMER
Tech Team Thursdays
Have an interest in tech? Our team ranges from young too old and is a perfect place to be creative and learn new skills. Join us Thursdays from 6:30PM to 8:00PM.
First Kids is a safe and fun space for ages 0-12 to discover Jesus.
First Youth is where grades 7-12 meet friends and encounter Jesus.
First YA is a place for ages 18+ to have honest and relevant conversation.
A place for adults to mature in their faith and relationships.
Interest-based groups that are aimed develop a sense of family.
An opportunity to bring hope and relief to those who are hurting.