Church Life
Our staff is made up of amazing and gifted people who have all come together to serve our church family and community.
Each one whether administrator, dealing with our facilities, or pastoral staff, are called to serve the mission Jesus has revealed to us - to be a family set apart.
Our Team
Aaron Pardy
Lead Pastor
Aaron is a proud Newfie who loves all Toronto sports teams. He is passionate about family unity and Biblical teaching. Aaron is a leadership junky and avid podcast listener.

Janice Bezler
Family + Care Pastor
Janice is a proud mom of two, wife to Kevin and a cat lover. She has a heart for kids encountering Jesus and caring for people in need.

Brian Schlenker
Youth + Young Adults Pastor
Brian is a family man with three kids and wife to Jen. He is a contractor by trade and is "loyal to the Oil". Brian loves worship and creating a sense of family for Youth and YA.

Kristen Morris
Executive Pastor
Kristen is the glue that keeps it all together who is an avid violinist and everyone's best friend. On top of that, she is a proud mom of 5 boys and wife to Gerald.

Clancy Leech
Worship Director
Clancy is local Missionary with YWAM here in Medicine Hat who loves all things sports and music. He is a dynamic leader and pursues the heart of God.

Nina Krause
Financial Administrator
Nina is a strong, independent woman who has a rich history of immigration and faith. She also has the best laugh. Nina is also passionate about numbers and cooking.

We believe that we are apart of the capital C church which includes different churches, denominations and para-church ministries. Here is a list of our current partnerships that we are honoured to run with and support.
Ministry Partners
We are proudly apart of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada ABNWT District. For years we have been avid supports of our overseers and consider it an honour to partner with them in ministry.
YXH Network
The YXH Network serves as a bridge for kids, youth and young adults across different ministries in our area. YXH offers a Worship Academy, Youth Nights, Youth Conference, and much more!
To become a member of First Assembly we have four separate classes, called First Steps, that takes place every Sunday following the main gathering. These four classes provide you with all the information and next steps needed to become a contributing member within First Assembly.
Why Do You Have Membership?
We abide by the Government of Canada's charitable laws as it pertains for the need of having a membership body. Membership is for those over 18 who call First Assembly home and desire to get more involved with the on-goings of the church. We also use membership as a covering when it comes to allowing individuals certain leadership opportunities within the church family.
What Does First Steps Cover?
First Steps is our track for individuals to not only learn about First Assembly but provide them with the necessary information for becoming members. The four classes cover Who We Are, What We Believe, What To Expect, as well as Leadership and Next Steps. These classes rotate every Sunday so feel free to jump in on the current one.
Why Should I Become A Member?
Your First Assembly membership is a little different from the one you would attain from your local YMCA. While membership does allow you access to the building, discounted costs and services, the main advantage of leadership is involvement. Without membership, you can only get involved to a certain degree. Membership is required for any sort of spiritual direction, participating on boards and committees, and participating in the democracy of our churches business.
At First Assembly, we hold close the things that make us who we are. For over 75 years, we have held fast to a vision, set of values, and core beliefs that we use to give us direction and impact people.
Vision and Beliefs
Our Vision
At First Assembly, we are passionate about the idea of family. So much so that everything we do revolves around that concept. You may have heard this before but at First Assembly we want to live out this statement: A family set apart.
To be a family that models itself after the examples within scripture, it requires us to not just know names and faces but also take the time to know stories as well. Church can seem like a place where the conversation is very one sided - you hear the preacher, the key leaders, time and time again. But we not only want you to know our story, we want to know yours too. As much as we desire for you to feel a part of our church family, we want to ensure that you know we equally desire to be a part of your family. Not only do we want you to join us at our table, we want to join around your table and hear your story.
Our Beliefs
First Assembly is a Pentecostal church that is firmly grounded in Holy Scriptures from The Bible. Every decision, every conversation, and everything we do is based on our beliefs and what we, as a family, have interpreted from The Bible. Ultimately, we believe the Bible is God's revelation, His spoken word meant for us, His children.
For us, the Bible is more than just a history book with amazing stories. Scripture shapes our views and doctrines on things such as salvation, the church, God's character and identity, creation, spirit baptism, and God's plan of restoration. For more information and details on the beliefs of First Assembly, click the icon below to see more.
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Aaron Pardy
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Aaron Pardy
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Aaron Pardy
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Aaron Pardy
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Aaron Pardy
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Aaron Pardy
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Aaron Pardy
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Aaron Pardy
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Hey there!
My name is Aaron Pardy and the beautiful lady in the picture (who somehow happens to be my wife) have the privilege of being the lead pastors of First Assembly. I just wanted to personally introduce myself and say welcome to First Assembly Online. I hope we get the opportunity to meet sometime soon!
Emily and I have a year old Lab named Goose, we are proud Crescent Heighters, avid Tigers fans, Costco Gold Members and self-proclaimed food experts. We recently began this journey of leading First Assembly together when we stepped into this new role back in July of 2022. We consider it an honour to be apart of the First family.